Our Strategy.
Buy it.
We don’t cast a wide net looking for any property that checks a few boxes. Instead, we target specific properties in specific areas. We buy properties that fit our vision, our plan and that we will be excited to own for years to come. We buy properties in neighborhoods that we know well and are committed to being active, contributing members in for the long term.
To use a baseball analogy, our number one metric is on-base-percentage. We follow Warren Buffet’s old adage: “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” We are in the business of first preserving, then growing our investors’ capital and we take that order very seriously. We work with investors who are looking to preserve, create and grow long-term, generational wealth.
Improve it.
Not all improvements are created equal - and our improvements are not just cosmetic. We make improvements to last that are focused on improving the quality of life of our residents. Our team is focused on maximizing the usability and efficiency of our spaces. We also invest in fostering a sense of inclusive community through implementing relevant programming for improving our residents’ lives.
Leverage is key to our business in every sense of the word. First, we only acquire properties where we can leverage our talents and strength to improve them and bring extraordinary returns. Secondly, we carefully consider the important use of leverage (i.e. debt), in our real estate investments. While utilizing debt in real estate is an important benefit to these investments, it is also where you can get in trouble. Our strategy calls for using debt conservatively and responsibly. We find our balance spot is at about fifty percent loan to value for our properties once they are stabilized. We feel this gives us the benefits of leverage but also keeps us protected in a market downturn.
Hold it.
We invest in areas that have many years of promising growth ahead of them. We are not looking to flip a property and make a quick return. It takes time to fully apply our processes and to build and improve these communities. We focus on holding real estate for the long term, making constant improvements to the property, and constantly look to further build our community. We feel this best suits our goals of creating passive income and preserving generational wealth.
When you hear Value-Add real estate, what first comes to mind may be paint, flooring and fixtures; however, we believe there is much more. We believe a well run building is like a well run business. We also believe in concentrating our efforts in a neighborhood to help implement positive change. We find a comprehensive investment plan brings a greater return than the sum of its parts. Our team constantly looks to improve our properties bringing extra returns and minimizing downsides. We minimize expensive turnover and emergency repairs and protect our returns through locking-in interest rates and regularly re-evaluating our practices and positions. We take pride in our constant improvements.
Our West Chula Vista Focus.
We are currently concentrating our acquisition focus on the West Chula Vista area of San Diego, California. We feel this area has a unique combination of attributes that fit our investment strategy and will provide exceptional returns to investors. Our team feels we can achieve some unique points to fully leverage our investments in the community. To learn more about this focus, please follow the link below to obtain a full copy of our white paper.
Our Track Record.
Our most crowning achievement is our happy investors. We feel an incredible sense of responsibility to our investors and serving them well is our highest priority. To learn more about our past investments, please follow the link below.